
BioRePeelCl3®, or simply BioRePeel, has flooded the esthetics market, thanks to its innovative biphasic formulation. I typed the following description for my website menu for this trending peel:

“BioRePeelCl3® is a biphasic peel made in Italy with TCA as the main ingredient, while also containing skin rejuvenating superstars lactobionic, salicylic, tartaric, and citric acids, plus Vitamins C and B2. This innovative peel formula helps to exfoliate the top layer of the skin by dissolving the bonds between old, dead, or damaged cells and promoting regeneration. TCA, or trichloroacetic acid, has long been known for its ability to tackle hyperpigmentation, aging concerns, and acne, bringing forth a brighter, smoother, even toned, and clearer complexion. Previous formulas were prone to oxidation and severe peeling of the skin. BioRePeel is both lipophilic and hydrophilic, which does not disrupt the stratum corneum, and it is gentle, resulting in little to no peeling or downtime. This formulation is self-stabilizing and protective, it restores and maintains cutaneous hydro-lipidic film, it increases hydration and cell turnover, and it reduces fine lines. It stimulates fibroblast cells, promoting the production of collagen and elastin. This incredible formulation pulls the ingredients directly into the dermis, allowing them to work from the inside outward, not causing injury to the epidermis. Because the treatment does not cause photosensitivity, it is safe for year-round use. It is suitable for all skin types, colors, and ages. The results of this peel are clearer, even toned, smooth and luminous skin.”

Sounds incredible, right?! And let me tell you, it didn’t take long for my existing clients to contact me to inform me that they would certainly be booking BioRePeel at their next facial appointments. I paid a handsome price to get that peel into my hands, along with the syringes and 18-gauge needles for delivery to the skin. Let’s talk about why it is already gone from my menu and why I have chosen to eat the cost. This requires stepping back in time just shy of two months ago.

I started seeing BioRePeel in my Instragram feed on the regular, and then I saw a few estheticians whom I follow and admire boasting about the treatment and showcasing their video applications and before and after photos. Esthetician friends who had already brought the peel on board, as well as those who had been considering it, were reaching out to me to discuss its benefits. Some of us came from a background of using traditional peels, and specifically the original TCA peels, to treat our own skin and that of our clients to tackle acne, skin congestion, sunspots, melasma, and other concerns. While these “old school” peels yielded impressive results, they also yielded concerning side effects, like a disrupted and damaged skin barrier, several days of severe skin peeling, heightened skin sensitivity to the sun and in general, a greater susceptibility to pigmentation issues, and the list goes on.

Before running my own business, I worked for a top spa that offered both synthetic/clinical and natural skin products and treatments, along with salicylic, glycolic/lactic blend, and fruit enzyme peels, and I made sure I kept things consistent and familiar for my clients by following suit as I started my own practice. As I started to shift gears ever-so-gently toward my preferred holistic and natural approach to skincare, I also shifted my offerings to match my beliefs and passion, and I began dropping any products and treatments that were disruptive to the skin barrier and potentially toxic. We have a vast, beautiful ecosystem on our skin, and it serves many important purposes. Sadly, many of us have spent years fighting against our inherent skin communication and protection system, stripping our microbiome and causing a host of issues to skin and overall health. This is a topic I will cover in the future.

As far as most of my conversations went regarding BioRePeel, as well as reading the feedback I had seen thus far on well-curated, marketing-prolific Instagram accounts, everything looked incredible. All I could imagine was, much like a doctor gives us a pain killer, an antibiotic, or other strong medication, yet we are advised to take it with food to buffer the stomach and not cause discomfort, BioRePeel would offer the benefits of a peel while buffering the skin due to its delivery system, and we will all go home happy and with brighter, clearer, even-toned, smoother complexions.

Why did I hesitate? You know how people say to trust your intuition? Well, I trusted it for almost two months. Sometimes it seems everyone else is offering an opinion, an explanation, or even seemingly scientific proof that goes against what we are sensing, and it can make us feel silly and question ourselves, and I did just that. As I saw BioRePeel taking over my feed more and more by the day, and I saw the manufacturer BioSkin Aesthetics Inc. sharing so many Instagram posts and stories, the peel became alluring, yet dichotomically suffocating. Then I wondered, “Is this peel really that popular for a good reason, or did that many people follow a trend, and they rushed to purchase this wonder drug before their competitor down the street got that business?” The more the sales representative told me, the more the peel sounded almost too good to be true, and the more I stepped back and felt my stomach churning its hot liquid doubt. The peel doesn’t cause frosting, but if it does, that is normal. The peel doesn’t cause the skin to peel, but if it does, that is normal. The peel doesn’t cause sensitivity to the sun, but make sure you take extra precautions when you are exposed to the sun. Things were not adding up.

But I kept talking about the peel with others, and I kept asking questions, and do you know what made me pull the trigger? Fear. During the typical summer business slowdown, while everyone had the children home from school, people were taking their vacations and escaping the oppressive heat, and I saw more and more practitioners quickly grabbing up BioRePeel for their own businesses and boasting about it on social media, I finally caved due to hunger and the pressure to keep up with other practitioners. As a single mother who was trying to bounce back from the aforementioned slowdown, which apparently hit many small businesses everywhere, I thought BioRePeel was my ticket to rushing people back in the door. There, I admitted it. Only months before I was feeling so great about the skills and certifications I have, the good energy and love I give without reservation, the incredibly high value of my facial treatments and products, and how fortunate I am to have the most amazing clients as far as I am concerned. I must also remember that my clients speak very highly of me to others, bringing me more incredible people to share my gifts with. But I heard a gentle whisper that was starting to get louder and louder as the summer got hotter and slower. And I contacted my sales representative for BioRePeel, and he was seemingly waiting on the other end of the line ready with everything I needed to sign on the dotted line and make my first purchase.

My representative was so attentive. When I first reached out about BioRePeel, he stayed on the phone and answered all the questions I had. He sent me informative documents, line sheets, profit margin examples, ingredient listings, and anything and everything I could have needed to show me there was no question that BioRePeel was just what my business was missing and it would improve my chances for growth. When I finally decided to make my first purchase, I apologized for sending such a late email, yet I received the necessary forms to obtain the peel for my business at around 11:00 PM at night.

The very next day, I was clenched up asking myself, “Why?!” It wasn’t long after that when a little bird told me that TCA itself was known to cause DNA damage. Was this certain? How and on what/whom was it tested? I started my research, and I found more information regarding toxicity and beyond. But does it matter about the dosage or delivery system? BioRePeel was recently reformulated to contain 30% TCA, down from 35%, for the record. It is already known that many ingredients applied to the skin can and do enter the body, the bloodstream, and more. I am not a doctor or other medical professional, and I am not stating anything with scientific or medical certainty, to be very clear, but here is one article of concern from Center for Environmental Health. Additionally, some superficial and lighter peels that only penetrate the epidermis (dead skin cells) are allowed for estheticians depending on the states in which they practice, while medium to deep peels that penetrate the dermis (living cells) are only to be administered by physicians or other medical practitioners, or at least overseen by them, meaning an esthetician or spa would need to employ one associated with their business to apply these peels within the confines of the law. In some states, the punishment for administering these peels without the proper credentials is seen as practicing medicine illegally and can result in incarceration and criminal fines per offense. Even without the legal implications, I certainly do not want to potentially cause harm and increase the toxic load of my precious clients who entrust me with their care.

I sent an email to my sales representative at BioRePeel, and for all of the times he seemed to be readily available to achieve a sale, he went MIA when I had pressing questions. While I believe it is important that BioSkin Aesthetics Inc. and their representatives do their part to properly question any and every skincare practice that are prospective customers as to the scope of practice within their states, their specific spa or treatment facility models, and whether someone with proper credentials works in or is affiliated with their business, I also expressed that it is my role to make sure my own credentials fit with the products, treatments, or equipment being offered to my business. It has been five days since I reached out for answers, and my concerns have not been addressed or even acknowledged.

I want to be very clear that my purpose in typing this post is not to cause issues and loss of profits for any solo estheticians or businesses that are currently using BioRePeel, or those who are prospective practitioners. But I am going back to the amount of time I spent hesitating to bring the peel into my practice, and remembering I did not feel comfortable or confident about this treatment. It was out of desperation that I finally succumbed to the internal pressure which I allowed via the consumption of the prolific nature of BioRePeel posting and boasting on social media. Before the peel arrived at my doorstep, yet after I had already done the copy, editing, and posting of the description, contraindications, benefits, ideal candidates, pre- and post-peel care, etc, I started questioning and discovering more, which ultimately led to me pulling the plug. There are countless things that are touted as safe and beneficial in the world, and specifically in the United States, which includes certain medications, foods, personal care products, and many skin- and appearance-altering procedures. Oftentimes we don’t learn the truth about their negative impact until years later. If BioRePeel proves to be safe, non-toxic, and also not harmful to the skin’s living cells in the months and years to come, that will be fantastic. I might not have any definitive scientific information, but because of that and especially so, after what I have read and learned thus far, I am simply not willing to take a chance with my clients. The financial profit margin of BioRePeel is impressive, but the health of my clientele is worth way more than that. I have safe alternatives to achieve the same expected results. Slow and steady botanicals and non-toxic actives win the race.

As a final note, I absolutely welcome any and all information and additional findings that either support or refute my opinion. And while there are facts in this post, there are also many of my personal concerns and opinions. I am not telling anyone else what to do. I purchased BioRePeel because I was honestly excited to bring back the benefits of the TCA peel, but without the detrimental effects that seemed counterproductive. Regardless of the delivery system, we need to consider the impact of TCA itself and the impact of penetrating the dermal layer. But, with the sudden flooding of the market, and clear proof of that on the BioSkin Aesthetics Inc Instagram page and on all BioRePeel practitioners’ accounts, yet the absence of my representative when I have very serious and concerning inquiries after my money is in BioSkin Aesthetics Inc.’s hands, my eyebrow is raised. If you are a BioRePeel practitioner, and you are reading this and have questions, I implore you to contact your representative and ask for answers.

This post is officially the first post that I have shared in which I realize I could be upsetting a lot of people, both BioRePeel clients and the businesses offering this treatment. I wish you all nothing but safety as you achieve the desired results for your skin, your overall appearance, and your health, with your health being paramount. My hope is that BioRePeel proves to only provide positive outcomes without any detriment to the health of those receiving it as a corrective treatment. In the meantime, I am mindful of scope of practice. Should I have any discovery that proves any or all of my concerns to be for naught, I will gladly return here and update you.

Much love and well wishes! xx


Merritt Knize